October 2018

Radioactive Waste 354 - Duke University Researchers Studying Geophysical Process Which Might Affect Underground Repositories

        Thomas Hueckel is a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Duke University. He is an expert in the study of the mechanics of earthen materials and the way that they react to everything else including water, gases, fossil fuels, and structures. This field of research is called multi-physics geomechanics.

Tim Burton Crafts

sarajean's picture

Halloween is coming and everything feels like the way it should--days are shorter, it's dark earlier, the weather is cooler and there are pumpkins everywhere! It's the season of the year and it's time to do some fun crafting. Tim Burton crafts are a great way to celebrate this season, and Geek Mom has such a fun scarecrow tutorial you should check out. Inspired by the film Sleepy Hollow, it's the perfect blend of crafty and creepy.

Spike Thumb Mating Call

sarajean's picture

I love the blog The Kid Should See This, and if you don't follow it, you should at least check it out! It's a curated selection of cool science, music and art videos that might be intended for a youthful audience, but the videos aren't "kiddie videos." They are videos everyone can enjoy, and many of them are about frogs.

A Self-Owning Tree

sarajean's picture

The Giving Tree has nothing on William H. Jackson, a man who loved his tree in Athens, Georgia so much that he decided to give it ownership of itself to protect it for years to come. Known locally as the Tree That Owns Itself, it was the tallest tree in the area in the 1800s, and it became a self-owning tree in 1890. Jackson, a professor, was so attached to the tree that he couldn't bear having it hurt, so he decided to make sure it was protected for many years to come.

80s Nostalgia Should Come with a Disclaimer

sarajean's picture

80s movies are some of our favorite films of all time. We could definitey watch The Goonies, Gremlins and Neverending Story on repeat for basically forever. But there were some pretty problematic films that just didn't stand the test of time. Some of them could use with some progressive updates while others might be better off forgotten. Revenge of the Nerds, for example, is filled with misogyny and even rape. Having sex with someone you think is someone else is rape.

Your Standby Poison

sarajean's picture

Many drinkers have a signature drink, or at least a go-to they know can't be messed up too badly no matter where they order it. If your signature drink is a complicated mess with more than four ingredients, it might be tasty but it's also probably difficult for many bartenders to make. That's fine if you're going to your favorite place but if you're traveling, you might have to make a few modifications.

Mint Juleps in Kentucky

sarajean's picture

Some states aren't known for their cocktails, but knowing that I was going to Kentucky for the first time, I asked for a mint julep at the hotel. Sadly, the bartender told me that not only did she not have any mint, but that despite being asked often she also didn't know "how to julep"! Dang. I love the idea of, say, drinking Champagne in Champagne, and this sounded fun to me. She said they don't even serve it during the derby! It's a dry state but you can still buy drinks and it was a bit of a bummer not having something that was Kentucky-ish during our stay.

Sugar and Spoon

sarajean's picture

Do you love cookie dough, but you can't have eggs? The new Sugar and Spoon ice cream truck has you covered with egg substitutes! The company is selling all egg-free cookie dough, making it safe for everyone to enjoy this fabulous treat. You will love the different flavors they carry, from classic and retro to "holy oats," "party animal" and seasonal offerings like snickerdoodle! Yes, you can get milk shots to go with your cookie dough for a buck, but you get to choose from regular milk or cereal milk!

Classic Children's Lit

sarajean's picture

As a lifelong lover of books, I will read almost any type of book, although I also have my favorite genres. My daughter, who turns 13 this weekend, is growing out of children's literature (how are we just now getting around to reading Charlotte's Web?) and I really hope that she returns to it someday, with her own kids or without. Right now she doesn't want any and I'm not partial to being a grandparent to a human or a cat, so whatever she does is up to her!

Mario Party

sarajean's picture

Most of the people I know who like to play Super Mario Party do so with their significant other, but that's probably just the group of people that I know. Most people I know enjoy being homebodies with their partners, often playing video games together, and Mario Party is a game that plenty of couples enjoy playing together.

Ladybugs with STDs

sarajean's picture

Do you think that ladybugs are lucky? I don't know if they are or not, but we always welcome them when we see them, especially if they land on us, which we say is lucky. Sure, we get swarms once in a while--I remember one year when they invaded our new high school and covered every stairway!--but they help control aphids and they're beautiful, harmless creatures, right?

Prosciutto-Stuffed Peppers

sarajean's picture

There's nothing more satisfying than a cheese-filled appetizer, and this recipe for stuffed peppers looks pretty yummy. It features goat cheese and prosciutto as well as some fresh herbs for flavor. I love that the author includes red pepper flakes, which are one of my favorites! I really love this Keto recipe website. Whether you're keto or not, you'll enjoy a lot of the recipes that she shares.
