May 2020

Dracula the Snail

sarajean's picture

Ever wanted a red and black snail the size of your hand as a pet? It turns out that a lot of people want this Malaysian fire snail as one, which is why so many are captured and sold as exotic pets each year. Beware, these "Dracula" snails don't do well in captivity, as they only thrive in their natural environment.

Men Throw Frogs in Idaho

sarajean's picture

For some reason, a couple of punks decided to throw frogs at someone they didn't even know in Boise, Idaho. The police are investigating these young men, and they aren't sure whether or not the frogs were alive when it happened. I sure hope they were already dead, but I honestly doubt it very much. What is wrong with people?

Bra Solutions for Summer

sarajean's picture

Many are joking that once the shelter at home orders are lifted, people won't want to wear bras anymore. In all honesty, who likes wearing them to begin with? If you hate your bra and you can get by without wearing it, don't wear it, I say. I often wear a tank top under my shirt instead.

The Best Live Shows

sarajean's picture

While no one is about to argue that the Dead's Woodstock show is their greatest (least of all CCR...), there are plenty of live shows, famous or not, that are simply crowd pleasers for the masses. This list of six live shows is a great place to start for many fans.

Seattle Events At Home

sarajean's picture

Ok, so many of us aren't having fun at home, but that can change when you find ways to connect and have fun other than watching movies all day (which, by the way, is also a good time for many). Did you know lots of people are listening to concerts, playing BINGO or trivia games and otherwise having a great time all online?

Magnetic Poetry

sarajean's picture

Magnetic poetry is a great way to pass the time right now. You can challenge members of your house to make poems, add or subtract words to each other's poetry and laugh over what you all come up with. The Magnetic Poetry website has sets for just about everyone!

Foodie Photo Winners

sarajean's picture

Food is life, and as hungry bloggers we all know this. How many of us even plan our trips around places we want to eat? The reality is that food is complicated and in short supply in many areas while it's revered, maybe even worshiped, in others. We've all seen the photos of what groceries for different families around the world look like and it's very humbling.

Great Summer Kids Books

sarajean's picture

Reading is one of my favorite summertime activities. Who am I kidding? It's one of my favorite activities, period! When I was a kid I'd read two or three chapter books a day while babysitting my younger sisters and I would still choose to spend my summers that way if I could!

Cute Cat Photos This Week

sarajean's picture

One of my favorite ways to get through the day is to look at adorable photos of cats, and with so many people at home we're definitely not lacking in numbers of photos to look at! This cat, for example, is making its way around the Internet for sticking his wee little paw (or peets, as they're known among many cat communities) into the fridge!
