July 2020

Universal Basic Income

sarajean's picture

Some governments are experimenting with a basic universal income idea, which stipulates that the government provide an amount of money to live on to its citizens that covers universal basic needs. This idea may be met with controversy, but it exists in a world where job security is uncertain, especially as more tasks become digitized or robotic and Covid threatens our society.

Gen Con Online

sarajean's picture

Plenty of game lovers are missing out this year when it comes to our beloved conventions. Both my kid and I have missed events we had really looked forward to attending, but we totally understand why. In fact, one of them almost wasn't cancelled because it was so close to lockdown and I feared I'd have to make a tough call.

Zombie Skittles

sarajean's picture

Are you a big fan of Zombie Skittles? Never fear, they will be returning to store shelves and online shopping this year. They say the flavors change according to your own taste buds, and that there's a "rotten zombie" random flavor in the bag. But I've also seen reviewers say that the flavor is really about the same as regular skittles. Have you eve tried them? What were they like?

Coffee Maker Alarm Clock

sarajean's picture

As a big lover of all things coffee, tea, protein shakes and generally drinking my food, I love the idea of a coffee alarm clock. Honestly if I smelled that when it's time to get up, I would probably leap out of bed with joy! 

It made me wonder what other cool drink-related gadgets are out there. How awesome would an automatic protein smoothie maker be? I love my tiny frother and I've always wanted one of those really powerful bullet blenders, but what else is out there?

Fabulous 80s Color Schemes in 2020

sarajean's picture

1980s colors are easy to spot anywhere, from throwback fashions to skating rink carpets, but have you ever consciously implemented 80s color schemes and designs into your decor? What about wild black and white squiggles upon bright neon orange and pink backgrounds (this is an actual windbreaker scheme that I had in the late 80s/early 90s!)?

Weird Animal Names

sarajean's picture

Today I read that a pet shelter has a rat named Ratticus Finch and I fell head over heels for it! Our local apple orchard names its petting zoo animals silly names like that. It has pig races, for example, and the pigs have names that are plays on pop stars that make us laugh every time. I wish I could remember them all!
