July 2020

Researchers In South Korea Are Developing A Drug For Radiation Protection

    Radiation is used in a wide variety of diagnostic and treatment procedures in medicine. In spite of a great deal of research dedicated to the problem, there is still no widely used drug or material that can provide protection from radiation exposure. Amifostine is a drug that was specifically developed as a radioprotectant.

Nuclear Reactors 801 - Moorside Clean Energy Hub Seeks To Combine Nuclear Power Plant With SMRs and AMRs

In the U.K., a group of major companies, trade unions and individuals have collaborated to launch the Moorside Clean Energy Hub initiative (MCEH). The initiative features a package of nuclear projects for Moorside in Cumbria which is located in north-west England.

Nuclear Reactors 800 - Africa Is Pushing Sales Of Nuclear Technology To African Nations For Profit And Influence - Part 2 of 2 Parts

Part 2 of 2 Parts
     Russia is a major player in the global nuclear industry marketplace. It is responsible for about eight percent of the uranium production worldwide. It carries out twenty percent of the world’s uranium conversion and forty three percent of the uranium enrichment.

Frog Camps, Classes and Crafts

sarajean's picture

With so many kids at home today, many feel like they are missing out on some of the cool science and art activiites they might normally do at camp. What do you do with a frog lover?

For starters, you can go look for frogs outside or hiking while social distancing, but you can also make lots of frog crafts at home. You can also find frog classes and camps online. Outschool is a great place to find various camps and classes for kids, but there are other sources, too, like Varsity Tutors, Khan Academy and Brainpop.
