October 2021

Radioactive Waste 820 - University of Manchester Researchers Use Molten Salt To Decontaminate Graphite

      Graphite is used to maintain the fission chain reactions in some types of widely used nuclear reactors. It is estimated that there are about three hundred thousand tons of nuclear graphite waste awaiting disposal around the globe. Because they have a high density of legacy reactors, about one third of the irradiated graphite waste in the world is in the U.K.

Fire DeJoy And Save The Post Office

sarajean's picture

Having trouble getting your first-class mail? Seeing your usual shipping rates go up? Blame Louis DeJoy and the Republican plot to privatize mail by getting rid of the USPS. This is a service that the entire nation depends on, yet the groundwork for its dismantling has been laid for years and years. Trump's appointment of DeJoy was just the nail in the coffin.

Hard Candy-Flavored Drinks

sarajean's picture

Flavored drinks are my favorite treat, especially if I can control their flavor, sweetness level and size. While I'm not a fan of how hard it is to open One on One Flavors' bottles, which are super tricky, I do love that their drops are exactly what I'm looking for. They taste just like whatever treat you want--from corn bread to milk tea to yes, candy--and have zero sugar or sweetener so you can add your own. It's also just fun to taste them without sweetener because it's such a different flavor.

Billionaire Space Flexing

sarajean's picture

Who else is tired of seeing the uber rich venture into space, burning all of that cash for a few moments of glory, only to return and tell us how marvelous it is, how important it is to save our planet, and how everyone should get to do it? The fact that this is happening while so many people struggle with rent, with medical bills, with student loans is the freakiest thing. It's the biggest marker of the gap between the rich and poor and it's absolutely revolting.

Caracal Cat on the Loose

sarajean's picture

Every day I see caracals and other exotic animals on TikTok or Instagram and think about how beautiful they are, how cool it seems to have one living with you--and how I would never want that responsibility. Case in point? An African caracal cat has escaped its home and police have warned citizens to not approach the animal and call them for assistance should they see it.

Art of the Table

sarajean's picture

If you had a lot of money to blow on a unique meal, where would you go? I'd love to try a tasting menu sometime, or go to a fun gastropub or place where molecular gastronomy is employed. Just for the experience. But I've also heard of a place in Seattle that is completely bucket list-worthy, which is Art of the Table.

Guardians of the Galaxy Song List

sarajean's picture

Did you get your hopes up for a third film soundtrack? Sigh. Me, too! When I heard a new song list was out for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy I get so excited. Then I realized it was for the Switch game. This is still really cool news, and the soundtrack does look really good, but I cannot wait for that movie. My dream is for Star Lord to fall for Thor (unrequited, naturally, just because I'm still mad at both Star Lord and the person who plays him) and Gamora to get her own film but I digress.

New Grateful Dead Apron Collection Is Everything

sarajean's picture

Every time there are new Dancing Bear bobbleheads or anything similarly cute, I tend to freak out over it. Why wouldn't I? They are adorable. Well say hello to something that may be even cuter: these Deadhead aprons! They are incredibly awesome and I wish I had them both. They do feature the Dancing Bears pattern and Hedley & Bennet is behind the design.

Plants That Purify Air

sarajean's picture

Many of us might admit to having a "plant problem." This week I might have brought home four more plants. But it's hard to not bring home plant friends when you're at home most of the time, especially with NASA telling us that a few snake plants could help us live in a sealed room. It's incredible how the stuff that bothers us is purified out of our air by our plants, but all the more reason to keep plants if you can!

Easy Potion Floats

sarajean's picture

Potion floats are all the rage this Halloween season, and Your Best Halloween has some tips on making it really look like a potion. But what do you actually add to your potion? They suggest soda and ice cream. My favorite combination is fruit punch, sorbet and lemon-lime soda--green for Halloween and red for Christmas! But there are so many variations that you could find or create the perfect version for your own wants and needs.

Share Your Actions

sarajean's picture

It feels like there are always so many actions to take lately, and I just find myself not trusting them all. The problem is a lot of politicians have taken to creating petitions for you to simply voice your opinion only so they can get your contact information to spam you several times a day. It's exhausting. It's the first time in my life that I can remember deleting many of them (and unsubscribing), and too many want to text me lately, too. Nope.
