April 2020

Enjoying the Sounds of Spring Frogs at Home

sarajean's picture

Not everyone is getting to enjoy the sounds of nature while under shelter in place orders, but those who do have access to nature are reporting a melodic sound that's restorative to our spirits: the sound of returning spring frogs. These songs aren't only soothing to us as frog lovers, but according to experts, they also indicate that frog habitats are being restored as the frogs are able to return and breed.

3-D Printed Door Openers Keep Your Hands Cleaner

sarajean's picture

New 3-D printed hands-free door handles are offering people the opportunity to open doors without touching them with their hands, another piece of technology we're all wondering why wasn't widely implemented before all of this. Seriously, don't you see things every day now, from tech used for working at home or homeschooling to inventions like this, now and wonder where it was last flu season?

Armchair Activism in 2020

sarajean's picture

Plenty of activists who are used to physically meeting with legislators, protesting at weekly events and otherwise meeting in person to do everything from canvass to phonebank are suddenly finding themselves at home, looking for ways to continue engaging in the political process. Luckily the Internet has plenty of ways to us to continue engaging.

Hostess Flavored Coffee

sarajean's picture

Flavored coffees are my jam. Right now, they are one of the biggest things I look forward to in my day. Most are calorie-free, carb-free and still deliver some kind of delicious zing to your tastebuds while waking you up and giving you the energy to do what needs to be done. So you can imagine when I came across this Hostess coffee collection, I was excited!

Adorable Spring Chocolate Baskets

sarajean's picture

I saw this video on Facebook and knew I had to share it with my fellow dessert lovers! You know I try to keep things as low-sugar as possible, so when I saw this company called ChocZero, which sells all sugar-free products, I was interested immediately. They sell baking supplies, syrups, just about everything you want and get this: no sugar alcohols to be found! That means no upset stomach. Woohoo!
