January 2021

New Desserts to Try in 2021

sarajean's picture

In 2020 I didn't try a lot of new-to-me desserts. I did plenty of comfort eating with old ones but didn't really try much in the new department. The one thing I remember trying was fried bananas with honey from my favorite Thai place, which was absolutely phenomenal. I don't even like bananas much but that was very good!

Quarantine Dates in Seattle

sarajean's picture

In one of my couples groups we have been sharing our creative ideas for dates in quarantine. The consensus is that curbside takeout is the best way to go, unless you get a cooking subscription or ingredients to cook together, which a lot of couples enjoy doing. These are all fun ways to enjoy your time together while still social distancing.

Coursera's Poetry Offerings

sarajean's picture

Do you enjoy learning about poetry from a teacher rather than on your own? Or maybe you just want to discuss it with fellow learners. Online poetry classes can be found all over the place and Coursera has several great offerings for those interested.

University of PA's Modern and Contemporary American Poetry is a wonderful class. I can't speak for the other classes from experience but there are poetry workshops, classes about songs and poetry and many other offerings that you might be interested in.

Tetris Effect

sarajean's picture

One of my favorite games to play is Tetris, which isn't great for big parties but nice for small groups who enjoy taking turns. Yes, there are multi-player versions, but for some reason I really prefer using Dr. Mario for that kind of game. The peppy music and Mario tossing pills is just fun for two players.

Fun Ways To Make New Flavors

sarajean's picture

I am a big lover of flavor and not a big lover of sugar and calories, as many of you know! So I'm always trying to find fun new ways to make flavors without adding either. One of my favorites is to brew herbal teas and mix them in with smoothies. A good hibiscus tea is basically fruit punch, and there are so many tea makers that you could try a blend daily and never get bored. I love to try new orange blends, especially those that taste like Push pops, myself!

Cheap And Easy Ways To Relieve Stress

sarajean's picture

Some of us can greatly benefit from sharing our self-care and stress relief tricks with one another. I know if I don't do at least one or two of mine daily I definitely feel it! Some of my musts are my daily vitamins and supplements (I definitely feel down if I skip my daily magnesium!), deep breathing exercises, a hot cup of tea, music, a walk or a bath soak, which has many of the same benefits as exercise.

Weird Bird Houses

sarajean's picture

Birdhouses and bird feeders are my jam. I love to feed the birds in our neighborhood and watch them nest. Lately I've been looking for more unique ideas. We usually build our own but there are so many cool ones out there that it's tempting to buy one!

Great Meals As Drinks

sarajean's picture

I LOVE to drink my meals. If I could make every meal into a smoothie without a mess, I probably would! I am a big fan of getting my spinach and avocado that way, especially on a busy day when I can just drink it while I'm working or homeschooling. It's a great way to cram in vitamins and minerals without having to cook, which is not one of my hobbies. I'm also only a fan of spinach in salads otherwise, so it's a fun way to get my greens in without having to whip one up.

80s Songs to Slow Your Heart Rate

sarajean's picture

My teen is all about psychology and philosophy these days, and yesterday I was informed by said teen that many 80s songs have a great slow beat to slow your heart rate. Did you know that your heart will match up to the slow beats around you, which is why it's helpful to play music with slow, soothing beats when you are stressed? The kid further informed me that by playing just a few minutes of this music a day, kids in schools feel less stress and have better days. Why don't we all do that?

Standing Against Fascism

sarajean's picture

Watching the terrorism in the capitol last week was incredibly disturbing for most of us, and the FBI's warning that further armed protests are planned in every state capitol is unsettling as well. We all want to do something in these uncertain times, but what can we do?

Uplifting Women in January

sarajean's picture

For 2021, I thought it would be fabulous for us to share the ways we're uplifting women in our communities and lives. For starters, I've been reading books almost exclusively by women lately, including those by Stacey Abrams. I'm reading her activist books now but her romance novels are also on my radar and buying those is an easy way to support the real life Captain America, as many are calling this wonderful leader!
